General guidelines
- We encourage all users and partners to use our logo to cite or credit the ALA in accordance with our terms of use.
- When the ALA logo is used online, it should include a link to
- We encourage our partners and users of the ALA to provide credit to the owners of the data accessed via the ALA. For further information on this, please see our support article on citing the ALA, or contact us directly with any questions.
- We’ve provided .png versions of our logo files to download. If you require a different file type such as a high-resolution file for print purposes, please contact us.
- We reserve the right to withdraw permission to use the logo if we consider the user to be abusing or misusing the logo.
ALA logo
BioCollect logo
BioCollect is the ALA’s advanced field data collection tool for biodiversity science.
iNaturalist Australia logo
The ALA manages iNaturalist Australia, the Australian node of the world’s leading social network for biodiversity, iNaturalist.