The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is Australia’s national biodiversity database. It provides free, online access to information about Australia’s amazing biodiversity.

TL;DR – just take me to the API docs…
Postman Link | Video | Presentation Slides

The data contained within the ALA has been fully parsed, processed and augmented with consistent taxonomic, geolocation and climate/environmental data. Our data API provides access to over 85+ million species occurrence records as well as taxonomic and scientific name information for over 200,000 species, complete with geospatial, taxonomic and temporal searching & filtering as well as bulk downloads for use “offline”.

Services ALA provides:

Exploring biodiversity data

ALA species and occurrence record web pages are consumers of our web services, so using our web UI is a great way to explore data and to see how to call the various web services.

E.g. This occurrence records page for the Dwarf Bearded Dragon: (or)

the URL can be manipulated by adding a path prefix of ‘/ws‘ to get the JSON version: (or)


  • Display a map of known species occurrences in Australia for the Koala (web; PNG; WMS tile)
  • Download all the species occurrence records for all Eucalyptus species in NSW (web; CSV)
  • Download a list of reptile species that occur in a 5km radius of the Sydney Opera house (web; JSON; CSV)
  • Get a list of all bird records for the decade 1980-1989 (web; JSON)
  • Find an image of a particular species, e.g. Gang-Gang Cockatoo (web; JSON)