The Australian Barcode of Life Network (ABOLN) was established in 2006 to develop and promote DNA barcoding and its applications in Australia. It is an informal affiliation of scientists and key stakeholders from across Australia who are involved or interested in the use of DNA barcoding.

The initial impetus for forming ABOLN was to coordinate Australian participation in the International Barcode of Life Project (iBOL). Since then, the role of ABOLN has broadened to provide a forum for sharing information about DNA barcoding activities, resources and opportunities in Australia and internationally.

Contact ABOLN at ABOLNSC.chair@gmail.com

ABOLN Steering Committee (ABOLNSC)

ABOLN is managed by a steering committee whose aims are to:

  • inform network members about DNA barcoding initiatives, support, conferences and other activities, and coordinate various means of communication
  • coordinate the exploration of strategic applications of barcoding and funding options to support research in Australia
  • organise conferences, workshops and training in DNA barcoding, subject to available resources.

ABOLN members

Current members of ABOLN are: